Casos de marketing público y no lucrativo - Casos de Marketing Público e Não Lucrativo
Casos de marketing público y no lucrativo - Casos de Marketing Público e Não LucrativoLatinoamerican Section of the International Association on Public and NonProfit Marketing (IAPNM LATAM) Perú - Research Group on Marketing and Operative Research (MIO), University of León (Spain) - Research Center for Business Sciences (NECE) University of Beira Interior (Portugal) - Institute of Business Studies (IBS) University of Szeged (Hungary) - Chair of Global Food Governance Studies, University of Oviedo (Spain)en-USCasos de marketing público y no lucrativo - Casos de Marketing Público e Não Lucrativo2530-3422Si No Te Lo Pones, Véndelo - Vinted
<p>Vinted is a platform with its origins in Lithuania. It was created in 2008 and it's dedicated to the sale of second-hand clothing. It was born as a small project of a young woman with the need to get rid of some clothes that were still in good condition. To this day, this platform has managed to position itself as one of the main international platforms for the sale of sustainable fashion, entering more than 16 countries and gradually ending all competition. One of the possible reasons for its success is the increase in society's awareness of the environment by giving a circular use to the life of things, making the most of them. To become known and expand its market share, Vinted has used many advertising methods, some of which we will analyze in this project and the impact on users.</p>Ana Lanero CarrizoJosé Luis Vázquez BurgueteEsther Fuertes MielgoNuria de las Heras RamosYoel Díeguez García
Copyright (c) 2024 Casos de marketing público y no lucrativo - Casos de Marketing Público e Não Lucrativo
2024-11-082024-11-0811511110.5281/zenodo.14057187Vox: La Voz Que Más Resuena
<p>The political party Vox, founded in December 2013, self-identifies as "the voice of Vibrant Spain" and advocates conservative reforms. Vox emerged due to the discontent of some members of the Partido Popular (PP) and has stood out for its social media communication strategy, including strong engagement from its followers. Unlike other parties, Vox emphasizes provocation and polarization on issues such as immigration and security. Additionally, its strategy is compared to other Spanish parties, such as the Partido Popular (PP), which focuses on economic stability, and the Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), centered on equality and social justice, as well as Unidas Podemos, known for mobilizing its base and promoting citizen participation. Each party has a unique communication strategy tailored to its audience and goals.</p>José Luis Vázquez BurgueteLucía Jardón PiqueroRafael Redondo DiezItziar Martínez ValduezaPablo Álvarez Cano
Copyright (c) 2024 Casos de marketing público y no lucrativo - Casos de Marketing Público e Não Lucrativo
2024-11-082024-11-08115122310.5281/zenodo.14057203Comunicación Y Participación Ciudadana Para El Desarrollo Social
<p>This case focuses on identifying the main obstacles faced by a public institution in Mexico to communicate its messages in a transparent manner and increase citizen participation in governmental decision-making processes, in order to develop activities or projects that help reduce social gaps. Our objective is to study this problem from the perspective of social and public marketing and social responsibility.</p> <p>Therefore, we focus on analyzing the institutional communication mechanism "I also have an opinion" of the Municipal Institute of Research and Planning (IMIP) of the city of Ensenada, Baja California in Mexico, which is a public paramunicipal institution in charge of the elaboration of plans and programs for the integral development of the municipality. However, in the organization, the lack of citizen participation is perceived, together with the institutional needs of being a more visible entity among the population and the challenge of involving the community they lead in the planning processes for social development.</p> <p>To evaluate this mechanism, a focus group was conducted with the citizens who were in contact with it. Among the main findings was a positive attitude towards the project and the need to reinforce the information offered to increase trust in this type of Mexican governmental organizations.</p>Sheila Delhumeau RiveraEdith Patricia Borboa ÁlvarezDulce Carolina Martínez Montoya
Copyright (c) 2024 Casos de marketing público y no lucrativo - Casos de Marketing Público e Não Lucrativo
2024-11-082024-11-08115243810.5281/zenodo.14057231“Patched” Moda Sostenible Mexicana
<p>Patched is a Mexican slow fashion company dedicated to the sale of clothing made from reclaimed denim. Its marketing strategy is based precisely on extolling the meaning of sustainable fashion. With its slogan, "small actions, big accessories," Patched sends a message that reflects the essence of its brand: that every action, no matter how small it may seem - such as buying a garment - has a real impact, positive or negative, on society and the environment. Thus, Patched develops digital marketing strategies to connect with new generations such as the millennial and Z segments, who become clients, but also suppliers. This paper objective is to disseminate the case of Patched as an innovative sustainable and circular economy proposal that adopts digital marketing strategies to achieve its objectives.</p>Lucirene Rangel-LyneLuz Melissa Castro TristanFátima Larissa González FloresKarla Jazmin González Villasana
Copyright (c) 2024 Casos de marketing público y no lucrativo - Casos de Marketing Público e Não Lucrativo
2024-11-082024-11-08115394710.5281/zenodo.14057245Transforming the reading habit with Instagram and TikTok: the case of Valeria Rossi
<p>This study examines the emergence, expansion, and influence of a literary content creator who, by leveraging widely accessible platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, has achieved significant impact in promoting reading among the Peruvian population and, in certain cases, across Latin America. The project originated with the aim of bringing literature closer to adolescents during the health crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, providing a space of calm and peace in response to the distress caused by the prevailing uncertainty. Books and their stories provided a powerful source of inspiration and emotional refuge. On TikTok, the phenomenon known as BookTok boosted the viral spread of literary content through hashtags like #LibrosEn60Segundos (#Bookson60seconds) and #BookTok, establishing a precedent for the emerging generation of creators. Simultaneously, the bookstagram community on Instagram had already begun sharing literary reviews and recommendations using specific tags. However, from mid-2020 onward, this movement experienced exponential growth, solidifying its role as a pivotal trend in the promotion of young adult literature.</p>Luis Camilo Ortigueira-SánchezValeria Noemi Cárdenas Vicente
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