Casos de marketing público y no lucrativo - Casos de Marketing Público e Não Lucrativo Casos de marketing público y no lucrativo - Casos de Marketing Público e Não Lucrativo en-US (Prof. Dr. José Luis VÁZQUEZ BURGUETE) (Prof. Dr. Luis Camilo Ortigueira-Sánchez) Mon, 20 May 2024 18:27:44 +0000 OJS 60 Todo al Azul: La Apuesta de Biotherm <p>La vida del planeta gira en torno al agua, es por ello que Biotherm, empresa cosmética dentro del grupo L’Oréal, apuesta por mantener limpios los ríos, mares y océanos, llevando a cabo acciones a nivel local que repercuten a nivel global. &nbsp;Para ello se une con otras empresas con los mismos valores, con ONG, con expertos que respaldan sus productos, cuenta con el apoyo de entidades locales, medios de comunicación e influencers que propagarán su mensaje a través de distintas plataformas, creando una comunidad fiel a su visión, misión y valores llamada <em>Water Lovers. </em>Todo ello junto a envases biodegradables, programas de reciclaje, apostando por reducir al máximo su huella de agua y su huella de carbono en la elaboración y distribución del producto, su sistema de etiquetado transparente y su hoja de ruta hacia la sostenibilidad, hacen de Biotherm una empresa responsable socialmente, cuyo respeto y cuidado por el medioambiente y los océanos hacen de ella la clave de su éxito.</p> María Purificación García Miguélez , José Luis Vázquez Burguete, Victoria Gonzalo Serna, Olivia Vega Vega, Lucía Valero Manso, David Cano Barreiro, Óscar Caño Salán, Ángel Rebollo Gutiérrez, Alejandro Crespo Arrimada, Jaume Morant Fuster, David Castrillo Lera Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 20 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Economía Circular El Auge De Las Apps de Segunda Mano <p>Este caso de estudio se centra en la estrategia de marketing implementada por Wallapop y Milanuncios en el contexto de la economía circular y la creciente tendencia de la moda vintage. Ambas plataformas de compraventa online han destacado por fomentar la reutilización de productos, especialmente en el sector de la moda, promoviendo la sostenibilidad y la reutilización de productos usados, tanto en el apartado de la moda como en otros, tecnología, automóviles, entretenimiento, etc . Se explorarán las acciones específicas emprendidas por estas empresas, sus objetivos, el público objetivo y las conclusiones derivadas de sus prácticas de marketing.</p> Jose Luis Vázquez Burguete, Luis Martínez Fernandez, Pablo García Flórez, Guillermo Gómez Otero, Germán Fernández Martínez Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 20 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sustainable travelling: A case study of Green hotel Maslina Resort in Hvar <p>This research is about green marketing and how it pertains to the hotel industry. Research has shown that the world is moving towards more sustainable living. It has led many industries to consider operating within the sphere of sustainability. This research investigates how hotels have used green marketing to boost customer patronage and show their dedication to environmental protection by providing sustainable environments to meet the needs of that growing segment (customers that are environmentally friendly) of the market. The hotel industry is an industry that needs to be improved when it comes to sustainability since the sector is responsible for a significant amount of waste and must be improved to achieve the sustainable development goals set out by the United Nations. This paper also looks at the adverse effects of green marketing in hotels and organizations that have devised means to curb these harmful effects. This case study focuses specifically on the Maslina resort in Hvar and its strategies for sustainability and the environment.</p> Manuela Guerreiro, Christina Muhs, Diana Stepićová, Tereza Janovská, Justina Eseoghene Oniwo, Peter Azebeokhai Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 20 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 O Papel Da Responsabilidade Social Corporativa E Da Sustentabilidade Na Empresa Toms <p>A crescente preocupação das sociedades com a sustentabilidade e a responsabilidade social conduzem as empresas à valorização e criação de valor nesses domínios, uma vez que aquelas devem ser orientadas para o mercado sustentável. O objetivo deste trabalho visa compreender os projetos desenvolvidos pela empresa TOMS centrada nestes princípios, analisando 1) a sua responsabilidade social, como a saúde mental, os direitos dos seus trabalhadores ou o combate ao racismo e desigualdade; 2) a sustentabilidade, considerando a repercussão que as matérias-primas e a sua produção têm e terão num futuro para o meio ambiente. Em termos do estudo de caso, adotamos uma metodologia narrativa e análise documental. Uma limitação deste estudo é a dificuldade em generalizar os resultados para além do contexto específico da empresa TOMS. Através desta investigação, concluímos que a empresa TOMS alcançou resultados positivos, criando dinâmicas e reputação económica e social, onde o sucesso está intrinsecamente ligado ao bem-estar das pessoas e do planeta.</p> Paulo Gonçalves, Maria Antónia Rodrigues, Ana Maia, Beatriz Pardal, Celina Wang Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 20 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Apivita: Socially Responsible Production And Consumption <p>Corporations and their activities have a tremendous impact on people's well-being and the environment. Therefore, businesses are required to embrace social responsibility in both their production and operation practices nowadays, with a heightened emphasis on society and the environment. APIVITA is a Greek company that specialized in natural cosmetics. The company's dedication to environmental sustainability is shown in its adherence to the values of authentic clean and ethical beauty, sustainable development, and the acquisition of various awards and recognitions. The purpose of the case study is to highlight the importance of responsible production and consumption, including both business and consumer perspectives. APIVITA distinguishes itself through its commitment to sustainable production methods. To examine consumers’ perceptions of APIVITA and its products, we conducted an online survey of 316 individuals. The results of the study indicate that more than half of consumers prefer natural cosmetics, emphasizing that the use of sustainably produced products is very important to them. Moreover, APIVITA is recognized as brand by nearly all the sample and is their top choice in the natural cosmetics market. Finally, the most important reasons consumers use APIVITA products are their natural ingredients and the high perceived quality.</p> Rodoula Tsiotsou, Smaragda Samara, Chrysoula Doulala, Athanasia-Sotiria Zafeiri, Andromachi Koroniadou, Nefeli-Maria Simou Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 20 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Fashioning The Future Of The Textile Industry: Exploring Degrowth Through Patagonia <p>The Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development signified a crucial shift towards sustainable and green growth. In this context, the degrowth movement opposes the current growth paradigm, being critical of the existence of unrelenting growth on a finite planet. Contrary to the profit-centric norm in business, the degrowth approach presents an alternative emphasizing environmental and social purposes.</p> <p>The objective of this case study is to explore the links between business activities according to Porter’s value chain model and degrowth related principles. To that end, the example of Patagonia is analyzed, a Californian outdoor apparel retailer that has been doing business differently for 50 years (recognized by its status as a B Corp). In this case study, degrowth is operationalized in order to assess its potential contribution in the transition towards more sustainable business models, with a special focus on marketing, corporate culture and values, and stakeholder engagement.</p> Marta Rey-García, Vanessa Mato-Santiso, Alejandro Fernández Marzoa Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 20 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000